
Cenchrus purpureus

This plant's image
Cenchrus purpureus. See image source here.

#178 They called me Cenchrus purpureus, also known as Pennisetum benthamii. I pay homage to the male botanist George Bentham. They first catalogued me in 2010.


Dicranopteris linearis

This plant's image
Dicranopteris linearis. See image source here.

#150 They called me Dicranopteris linearis, also known as Gleichenia hermannii, Dicranopteris hermannii, Mertensia lessonii, Gleichenia klotzschii, Mertensia klotzschii, Dicranopteris klotzschii, and Mertensia hermannii. I pay homage to the male botanists Paul Hermann, Pierre Adolphe Lesson, and Johann Friedrich Klotzsch. They first catalogued me in 1907.


Oplismenus hirtellus

This plant's image
Oplismenus hirtellus. See image source here.

#98 They called me Oplismenus hirtellus, also known as Panicum balfourii, and Oplismenus borhidii. I pay homage to the male botanists Borhid (I couldn’t find his records), and John Hutton Balfour, or Isaac Bayley Balfour. They first catalogued me in 1812.