#178 They called me Cenchrus purpureus, also known as Pennisetum benthamii. I pay homage to the male botanist George Bentham. They first catalogued me in 2010.
#178 They called me Cenchrus purpureus, also known as Pennisetum benthamii. I pay homage to the male botanist George Bentham. They first catalogued me in 2010.
#150 They called me Dicranopteris linearis, also known as Gleichenia hermannii, Dicranopteris hermannii, Mertensia lessonii, Gleichenia klotzschii, Mertensia klotzschii, Dicranopteris klotzschii, and Mertensia hermannii. I pay homage to the male botanists Paul Hermann, Pierre Adolphe Lesson, and Johann Friedrich Klotzsch. They first catalogued me in 1907.
#98 They called me Oplismenus hirtellus, also known as Panicum balfourii, and Oplismenus borhidii. I pay homage to the male botanists Borhid (I couldn’t find his records), and John Hutton Balfour, or Isaac Bayley Balfour. They first catalogued me in 1812.