#972 They called me Ornithogalum sigmoideum, also known as Ornithogalum sibthorpii. I pay homage to the male botanist John Sibthorp, or Humphry Waldo Sibthorp. They first catalogued me in 1896.
#972 They called me Ornithogalum sigmoideum, also known as Ornithogalum sibthorpii. I pay homage to the male botanist John Sibthorp, or Humphry Waldo Sibthorp. They first catalogued me in 1896.
#956 They called me Desmodium scorpiurus, also known as Meibomia martensii. I pay homage to the male botanist Georg Matthias von Martens, or Martin Martens. They first catalogued me in 1825.
#950 They called me Lotus cytisoides, also known as Lotus allionii, and Lotus cuatrecasasii. I pay homage to the male botanists Allion (I couldn’t find his records), and José Cuatrecasas. They first catalogued me in 1753.