
Rhynchosia minima

This plant's image
Rhynchosia minima. See image source here.

#785 They called me Rhynchosia minima, also known as Glycine lamarckii, Rhynchosia klotzschii, and Dolicholus drummondii. I pay homage to the male botanists Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, Johann Friedrich Klotzsch, and Drummond (I couldn’t find his records). They first catalogued me in 1825.


Dendropanax arboreus

This plant's image
Dendropanax arboreus. See image source here.

#775 They called me Dendropanax arboreus, also known as Gilibertia schippii, Gilibertia rothschuhii, Dendropanax schippii, Dendropanax juergensenii, Gilibertia juergensenii, and Sciodaphyllum jacquinii. I pay homage to the male botanists Schipp (I couldn’t find his records), Rothschuh (I couldn’t find his records), Juergensen (I couldn’t find his records), and Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin, or Joseph Franz von Jacquin. They first catalogued me in 1854.


Solanum nigrescens

This plant's image
Solanum nigrescens. See image source here.

#769 They called me Solanum nigrescens, also known as Solanum jahnii, Solanum nigrum var. dillenii, and Solanum rojasii. I pay homage to the male botanists Alfredo Jahn, Dillen (I couldn’t find his records), and Rojas (I couldn’t find his records). They first catalogued me in 1845.