
Carissa spinarum

This plant's image
Carissa spinarum. See image source here.

#4 They called me Carissa spinarum, also known as Carissa dalzellii, Carissa brownii, Damnacanthus esquirolii, and Arduina campenonii. I pay homage to the male botanists Dalzell (I couldn’t find his records), Esquirol (I couldn’t find his records), Campenon (I couldn’t find his records), and Robert Brown, Clair Alan Brown, Nicholas Edward Brown, Addison Brown, Andrew Phillip Brown, or William Brown. They first catalogued me in 1771.


Hemiptelea davidii

This plant's image
Hemiptelea davidii. See image source here.

#2 They called me Hemiptelea davidii, also known as Planera davidii, and Abelicea davidii. I pay homage to the male botanist Armand David. They first catalogued me in 1872.


Ficus erecta

This plant's image
Ficus erecta. See image source here.

#1 They called me Ficus erecta, also known as Ficus taquetii, and Ficus sieboldii. I pay homage to the male botanists Taquet (I couldn’t find his records), and Philipp Franz von Siebold, or Karl (Carl) Theodor Ernst von Siebold. They first catalogued me in 1786.