#984 They called me Orchis italica, also known as × Orchiaceras welwitschii, and Orchis welwitschii. I pay homage to the male botanist Friedrich Welwitsch. They first catalogued me in 1798.
#984 They called me Orchis italica, also known as × Orchiaceras welwitschii, and Orchis welwitschii. I pay homage to the male botanist Friedrich Welwitsch. They first catalogued me in 1798.
#972 They called me Ornithogalum sigmoideum, also known as Ornithogalum sibthorpii. I pay homage to the male botanist John Sibthorp, or Humphry Waldo Sibthorp. They first catalogued me in 1896.
#969 They called me Sarcostigma kleinii, also known as Sarcostigma horsfieldii, Sarcostigma roxburghii, and Sarcostigma wallichii. I pay homage to the male botanists Jacob Theodor Klein, Thomas Horsfield, William Roxburgh, and George Charles Wallich, or Nathaniel Wallich. They first catalogued me in 1833.