#896 They called me Cyperus sphacelatus, also known as Cyperus balbisii, and Cyperus duchaisingii. I pay homage to the male botanists Giovanni Battista Balbis, and Duchaising (I couldn’t find his records). They first catalogued me in 1773.
#896 They called me Cyperus sphacelatus, also known as Cyperus balbisii, and Cyperus duchaisingii. I pay homage to the male botanists Giovanni Battista Balbis, and Duchaising (I couldn’t find his records). They first catalogued me in 1773.
#885 They called me Spathandra blakeoides, also known as Memecylon mannii, Memecylon tessmannii, Memecylon mildbraedii, and Memecylon millenii. I pay homage to the male botanists Gustav Mann, Tessmann (I couldn’t find his records), Johannes Mildbraed, and Millen (I couldn’t find his records). They first catalogued me in 1978.
#870 They called me Thecacoris stenopetala, also known as Thecacoris batesii. I pay homage to the male botanist John Mallory Bates. They first catalogued me in 1866.