#346 They called me Agrostis gigantea, also known as Agrostis virletii, Agrostis welwitschii, Agrostis widenii, Agrostis gigantea var. gouxii, Vilfa gaudichaudii, Agrostis zerovii, Agrostis kitaibelii, and Agrostis sibthorpii. I pay homage to the male botanists Virlet (I couldn’t find his records), Friedrich Welwitsch, Widen (I couldn’t find his records), Goux (I couldn’t find his records), Gaudichaud (I couldn’t find his records), Zerov (I couldn’t find his records), Pál Kitaibel, and John Sibthorp, or Humphry Waldo Sibthorp. They first catalogued me in 1788.