
Rhynchospora rubra

This plant's image
Rhynchospora rubra. See image source here.

#952 They called me Rhynchospora rubra, also known as Sphaeroschoenus wallichii, Rhynchospora wallichii, and Morisia wallichii. I pay homage to the male botanist George Charles Wallich, or Nathaniel Wallich. They first catalogued me in 1903.


Lotus cytisoides

This plant's image
Lotus cytisoides. See image source here.

#950 They called me Lotus cytisoides, also known as Lotus allionii, and Lotus cuatrecasasii. I pay homage to the male botanists Allion (I couldn’t find his records), and José Cuatrecasas. They first catalogued me in 1753.


Luffa acutangula

This plant's image
Luffa acutangula. See image source here.

#942 They called me Luffa acutangula, also known as Luffa forskalii, and Luffa kleinii. I pay homage to the male botanists Forskal (I couldn’t find his records), and Jacob Theodor Klein. They first catalogued me in 1832.