#952 They called me Rhynchospora rubra, also known as Sphaeroschoenus wallichii, Rhynchospora wallichii, and Morisia wallichii. I pay homage to the male botanist George Charles Wallich, or Nathaniel Wallich. They first catalogued me in 1903.
#952 They called me Rhynchospora rubra, also known as Sphaeroschoenus wallichii, Rhynchospora wallichii, and Morisia wallichii. I pay homage to the male botanist George Charles Wallich, or Nathaniel Wallich. They first catalogued me in 1903.
#950 They called me Lotus cytisoides, also known as Lotus allionii, and Lotus cuatrecasasii. I pay homage to the male botanists Allion (I couldn’t find his records), and José Cuatrecasas. They first catalogued me in 1753.
#942 They called me Luffa acutangula, also known as Luffa forskalii, and Luffa kleinii. I pay homage to the male botanists Forskal (I couldn’t find his records), and Jacob Theodor Klein. They first catalogued me in 1832.