#84 They called me Euphorbia characias, also known as Euphorbia cuatrecasasii. I pay homage to the male botanist José Cuatrecasas. They first catalogued me in 1753.
Tag: Kriti
Salvia fruticosa
#72 They called me Salvia fruticosa, also known as Salvia thomasii, and Salvia fruticosa subsp. thomasii. I pay homage to the male botanist Graham Stuart Thomas, or Mason Blanchard Thomas. They first catalogued me in 1768.
Calicotome villosa
#55 They called me Calicotome villosa, also known as Cytisus preslii. I pay homage to the male botanist Jan Svatopluk Presl, or Carl Borivoj Presl. They first catalogued me in 1808.