
Hyperbaena domingensis

This plant's image
Hyperbaena domingensis. See image source here.

#909 They called me Hyperbaena domingensis, also known as Hyperbaena hostmannii, and Hyperbaena moricandii. I pay homage to the male botanists Hostmann (I couldn’t find his records), and Stefano Moricand. They first catalogued me in 1861.


Enteropogon unispiceus

This plant's image
Enteropogon unispiceus. See image source here.

#908 They called me Enteropogon unispiceus, also known as Chloris cheesemanii, and Chionochloa cheesemanii. I pay homage to the male botanist Thomas Frederic Cheeseman. They first catalogued me in 1967.


Lytoneuron paradoxum

This plant's image
Lytoneuron paradoxum. See image source here.

#907 They called me Lytoneuron paradoxum, also known as Platyloma brownii, Hemionitis pyornkrachzarkii, and Doryopteris glaziovii. I pay homage to the male botanists Pyornkrachzark (I couldn’t find his records), Glaziov (I couldn’t find his records), and Robert Brown, Clair Alan Brown, Nicholas Edward Brown, Addison Brown, Andrew Phillip Brown, or William Brown. They first catalogued me in 2018.